21-27 September 2020 |
National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with Museums Association of Namibia (MAN)
The National Theatre of Namibia in partnership with the Museums Association of Namibia presents a series of short local, traditional stories as part of the commemoration of Heritage Week 2020. Namibian Heritage Week originated in an idea of the National Museum of Namibia to have an annual Museum Day. The Museums Association of Namibia became a partner and the day was extended to the regions. After that, the National Heritage Council and other stakeholders joined it was decided to enlarge the event and change the name to Namibian Heritage Week.
Heritage Week is an opportunity for Namibians to showcase our heritage. The week encourages all Namibians to celebrate and commit themselves to protect our wonderful natural and cultural resources. Namibia’s major heritage institutions have joined together as a team to organize Namibian Heritage Week.

This year, the theme for Heritage Week is Ombazu Ndjiritutumuna, which means Building Cultural Resilience – The New Normal in Otjiherero.
The NTN as part of the National Organizing Committee presents the following short, newly recorded folklores: ‘Shiludede Shohamba’ (Oshikwanyama), ‘Kaingona Nondjou’ (Otjiherero), ‘Makisi Nomumati Gwomutjima’ (Rukwangali),’ ! Nona tarare khoe!gâgudi tsî ǁîdi di hoarahūs di aore !gâsarob tsî khoe!gâgun di ǂhôas’ (Khoekhoegowab) and ‘The Message’, another khoekhoegowab folklore translated for English speakers. Listen to the short stories here.
For queries, contact NTN’s PRO Ms. Desiree Mentor:
Tel: 061 374 403

Oshiwambo (Oshikwanyama)
Shiludede Shohamba is a popular story of the infamous Jackal and Hyena. In this hilarious tale, the Jackal’s mouth and character gets him in trouble with the Hyena and he once again uses his smart wits to get out of a sticky situation.
A story on the importance of good character and morals. This story also teaches us on the importance of sharing open, but respectful communication.
Taken from the book Nanghali Koshi Nangobe Kombada written by L.M Shemuvalula.
Performed by Armas Shivute.
Directed by Victoria Naholo. Studio production by AudioArt Recordings.
Commissioned by the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with Museums Association of Namibia.
Kaingona Nondjou is a tale of a woman who shows great bravery in going on a journey to rescue her two precious daughters who got swallowed by an unruly elephant.
A story on the importance of ensuring safety for vulnerable community members, such as children.
Taken from the book Ehi Keyuva Kokumuho written by Herika Hendrickse and I.E.B Kahuure.
Performed by Cecil Nguvauva
Directed by Victoria Naholo. Studio production by AudioArt Recordings.
Commissioned by the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with Museums Association of Namibia.
Makisi Nomumati Gwomutjima is a parable of a courageous boy who decides to follow in his father’s footsteps to train and wage war on the giants that are raking havoc in his village.
A story on how resilience can be powerful and impactful with time and strategic quietness. Furthermore, this story reminds us on the art of war.
Taken from the book Masimwititi Nonongano written by D. Nakare.
Performed by Victoria Kasongo
Directed by Victoria Naholo. Studio production by AudioArt Recordings.
Commissioned by the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with Museums Association of Namibia.
!Nona tarare khoe!gâgudi tsî ǁ îdi di hoarahūs di aore !gâsarob tsî khoe!gâgun di ǂhôas is an account of sisters who learn the value of sibling relationships when a brother whom they despised ends up saving their lives.
A story on the importance of maintaining good relationships, as one never knows when they will need help from the other.
Taken from the book Ananzi Stories, written by Sir George Webbe translated by /Awebahe Johannes //Hoeseb.
Performed by Desire Christian
Directed by Victoria Naholo. Studio production by AudioArt Recordings.
Commissioned by the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with Museums Association of Namibia.
The Message is a tale of a rabbit/hare who brings great misfortune to his people because of selfish ambition.
A story on the importance of task sharing in the community, with all our different and varied strengths for the goodness of our communities. This story also teaches us that sharing responsibilities in our communities should not be done to boost individual egos, but rather, for equal responsibilities to avoid calamities in our communities.
Taken from a collection of African folktales, written by George Waideman, who heard it from grandma Rachel Eises.
Performed by Armas Shivute
Directed by Victoria Naholo. Studio production by AudioArt Recordings.
Commissioned by the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) in partnership with Museums Association of Namibia.
For queries, contact NTN’s PRO Ms. Desiree Mentor:
Tel: 061 374 403